JBC Lingerie:Free to Wear
JBC Lingerie is an all-inclusive fashion brand that wants every age, race, gender and sexuality to feel free and like a badass.
Bring awareness of a U.K. based brand to the U.S. while increasing social engagement.
Coachella is a festival known for its crowd being dressed in lingerie or even in their birthday suits. This loud campaign will encourage festival goers to #freetowear . All you have to do is scan your Coachella wristbands to go to a mini-site on your phone. Then you are free to post your outfit and see what others are wearing - or not! #freetowear.
Coachella Wristbands
Min-site at Coachella
Want to see what others are wearing at Coachella? Scan your wristbands - rate others outfits and see who has the coolest one of the day by checking the leaderboard.
Give Away Pasties
*This page contains student work and does not represent real advertisements.